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Easy Problem Fixer

Foto van schrijver: Arno WingenArno Wingen

One of the best ways to solve problems is by walking around.

Sounds weird. Let me explain.

You're a human. So am I. We're designed to walk.

Almost any animal outfights us, outclimbs us, outswims us, outmuscles us...

...but no creature on Earth outwalks us.

Did you know we can literally outwalk any other lifeform on this planet? It's mad.

So we're really good at walking and I don't know if that has anything to do with it but some of my best ideas have come to me while... walking.

Your brain just works better. It brings peace. 

I've had the same thing while showering and driving, but those have few health benefits, so let's skip those for now.

When your body is doing something your brain is free to roam around. More creative. Less restrained and stressed.

Almost like meditation. Which I don't really like. Because you're just sitting there.

So if you have a problem that you can't solve? Just take an extra walk.

Feel burned out? Feel like your brain is not braining anymore? Just take a walk.

It's healthy, it helps you think, and your brain loves it.

Zero downside. Unlimited upside.

Go for a walk today.

Talk soon,


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